Sunday, January 16, 2011

A tiny problem...

I have a tiny, teeny, very small vintage clothing problem. First of all, my favorite thing to do in the whole world is peruse through thrift stores--I mean REALLY comb--and buy unusual threads from decades past. I love it.

But, my husband has recently pointed out that I have too many clothes. I mean, he's always said that I have too many clothes. After close examination, and now that I'm doing a lot more laundry with baby boy and his incessant "constume changes" after mealtime, I've realized that I really do have too much clothing.

Oh no. It gets worse. I've recently discovered Sisters of the Black Moon. Ugh. I haven't bid on anything (yet), but HOW BEAUTIFUL are their finds!?!?!?!? I fear them. I visit their ebay store probably once a week and daydream about their vintage pieces and their gorgeous styling.

After losing the pregnancy weight, I can finally fit in my fun clothes again. But, I know I have too much. So, I'm thinking of a way to purge my closet...and then I can bid on Sisters' collection. See! This is bad.

Stuffed (closet) to the brim,

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