We just got back from our Seattle adventure, and I'm really missing the Washington weather. Apparently, the temps can get pretty hot there, but we only experienced pleasant 65-85 degrees.
Enough about the weather.
We were there with our "family": a group of friends so dear and near to our hearts, they'll be our friends for forty years. Once a year, we come together to do something outrageous and fun. This year, we camped at The Gorge concert venue to hear Phish (John's favorite band of all time, and one of my new favorites) play for about 50,000 dancing fans.
John and I gave each other the trip for our one year wedding anniversary, with the disclosure that each year we will see a new show to celebrate our marriage. We also brought along our brand new tent that we got as a wedding present. This was our first time to use it, and we've fallen in love with the sweet little shelter.
Enjoy some Washington pics!
And here are a couple pics of some knitting I finished for the babies in my life:
One is an backpack for Ro (complete with elephant button from Loop)
and one is a newborn sweater with matching pants (not pictured because I finished them on the plane on the way to WA) for Baby Boy Barnes. He's due in November. Yay Scorpio!
OMG, that photo of you and John is sick! Love it!!!