Everyone in South Philly calls the outdoor space in the back alley a yard. This is funny if you're from Texas; the yards in the south are often measured in acres. Our Philadelphia "yard" is about four feet by six feet, and it backs up to the rest of the block's yards. Basically, we're all connected by an alley that is just wide enough for John to ride his bike down.
I wanted to show you what I'm talking about, and I wanted you to see some Texas elements that we include in our Philly yard to make it a little homier.
Here's our little diaper line:
Wind chime in the corner: annoying the neighbs, I'm sure.
We brought Paco from Texas. He watches over our "yard" :)
This year's Basil is just starting: mmmmmmm!
And, on an unrelated note, Singer wanted to show off his new curves: